Last 6 months worth of updates

Well life has been eventful for us in the last few months... 

We decided to short sale on our house in Buckley. I was a little skeptical at first because it seemed like a dishonest thing to do, but Kevin was pretty adamant that he felt it was the right thing for us to do. So I went along with it and everything just sort of fell into place and went really easy and smooth. It assured me that what we were doing was right. 

In June we moved into my parents rental house in Kent. My sister, Stephanie moved in the same weekend. She rents the downstairs from us. Which has been a huge blessing and money saver. She is currently in school and working, so we hardly see her, but when we do its great and we enjoy having her here! Our house is sold and is due to close in the next week or two. Our credit was ruined because during that whole process we missed five house payments, but we are hopeful that we can bring it back up within the next year or two. During our time at the rental we hope to become debt free, and save up a good down payment for our next house! We aren't too far away, but with one income it makes it a little slower to get that done. My parents are happy to have us here for as long as that takes, for which we are extremely grateful.

In January, on our anniversary date, we took the plunge and decided to start trying for baby #2! We were beyond excited! Month after month with no luck was getting us very depressed, but finally in June I was pregnant! We were so excited. Our little one was to be due in February.  It felt too good to be true and I had a weird feeling about it. The pregnancy was very easy and I felt completely normal, like I wasn't even pregnant. Skip ahead to this last weekend, Jaelyn and I went to the Oregon coast with my family and on Thursday  I started spotting. I didn't think much of it, because it was very little and that's fairly common in early pregnancy. By Friday morning I was spotting quite a bit more and grew pretty concerned, as I had never spotted with Jaelyn. I called the midwives who told me to get to the ER if the spotting progressed. Unfortunately it did. We headed back home. Kevin and I went into the ER that night and after nearly 5 hours, were told what I had already suspected, that I was miscarrying. I was completely devastated. After 6 long months and trying to end up miscarrying was so disheartening! The weekend was even worse. As I continued to miscarry and pass the fetus, sac and membranes, it was a constant reminder to me of what I lost and was losing. I had times during the day when I felt fine and then would burst into tears out of no where. Who knew you could be so attached to someone you've never met! I now know what countless other women have gone through with miscarriages. It's not fun or easy. I am so grateful to know that families are forever and that my little boy or girl is up in heaven waiting for me to raise him or her. It makes going through this tough time all the more easier. I am grateful for my own intuition and the Holy Ghost that was able to warn me in advance that something wasn't quite right. And I'm grateful to know that there is nothing wrong with me or Kevin and that I should be able to bare more children without complication. We are all very grateful for the love and support we've been shown by family and friends and are hopeful that we'll be able to conceive again later this year. It was been only 5 days since the miscarriage and I am already feeling at peace with it all and moving forward in life. Yay for an optimistic personality! 

Well onto happier news and Jaelyn stories... :) 

Jaelyn is now 22 months old and never ceases to amaze me! She is so smart. She can sing the ABC's, Twinkle, Twinkle, If you're happy and you know it, and the itsy bitsy spider. It's the cutest thing ever. She loves music and can't help dancing when she hears it. Other favorite songs that she sings to are, Titanium (David Guetta), Cups (Anna Kendrick), Gone, Gone, Gone (Philip Philips), Just Give me a reason (Pink and Nate Ruess). It's amazing how much of the lyrics she picks up!  

She also is very opinionated and speaks her mind these days! Her favorite phrases include, no, stop it, go away, mine, i do it, leave me alone, uh uh, don't want to. Fun, right? She goes on time outs on a daily basis for her sass! (Heaven knows where she got it from)  ;) 

She still loves reading books and has some of her favorites memorized. The foot book, Hand hand fingers thumb, how do i love you, david gets in trouble, the little mouse, the red ripe strawberry and the big hungry bear, the napping house, and goodnight moon.   

She also loves dolls! She is constantly feeding, rocking, singing to, and loving on her dolls. And recently starting disciplining them, ya i wonder where she learned that!

She is very capable! She can fully dress herself! Shirt, pants, socks and shoes! Amazing, right? If I try to help without her permission she tells me, no! I do it!

She talks like crazy. She's gotta have a couple hundred words. And she can use up to 5 word sentences now! I'm sure a proud Momma!

She is crazy agile and can climb like you would not believe! I am super impressed, but also highly scared as she has NO FEAR! She will literally jump off anything! Heart attack much! YES!

She just transitioned into her toddler bed. Night 3 and she is doing great!

I am going to start potty training next week! She has consistently been sticking her fingers in her diaper after she poops and brings it to me saying, "I poopy." No kidding! lol so gross. She insists on wearing big girl underwear over her diaper. We shall see how this goes. I'm not really looking forward to the many accidents ahead! 

And she is just absolutely beautiful! I could stare at her all day. I am in awe that I created such a pretty little girl. She still has her pretty blonde hair and its got some curl to it, which is so cute! And she's got the biggest eyes and longest eyelashes! Heartbreaker in the making right there! 

We couldn't be more happy to have her in our lives. She brings us constant joy and happiness. We've been enjoying the summer as a family so far, by spending a lot of quality time together going to trips to the park, bike rides, camping and spending time with family and friends!  Well, I'm likely not going to be more consistent at blogging, so I'm checking out for the next 6 months. Till the next update... 


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