Labor Story

Well Evelyn is here! I felt I should document her labor story before I forget!

So on July 22, I woke up for the thousandth time to pee @ 5:45am. And when I stood up, there goes my water! I wasn't quite sure if it was my water breaking or not since this was my first go around. But for the next few minutes it continued to come.  So I quickly called Kevin. He didn't answer because he was on the train headed into work, but called me right back when he got off in Seattle. I told him everything and said to come home stat! He was able to get a ride back to Kent station from one of his Co workers so he could get his jeep and hurry home. He was back in 45 minutes! :) While I waiting for him I called the hospital to make sure I should come in.  (I wasn't contracting at all yet, so I wasn't sure) They said to come on in! I also called my mother-in-law to let her know we'd be dropping off Jaelyn soon and that Evelyn was on her way!  Jaelyn was still sleeping so I ate a super light breakfast, got myself ready for the day, did some light cleaning and got everything packed in the car. Then when Kevin got home, I had him pack himself some things while I got Jaelyn dressed and ready for the day. We then dropped off Jaelyn and headed to the hospital!

When we got there I had to check in at triage until they could hey me a room m 14 other women were there in labor!  Crazy! We had to wait for about 2 hours, and they monitored me and the baby whole we waited. They confirmed that my water had broken and my contractions had started. They were pretty light at first and I just couldn't feel them. To me they always just felt like menstrual cramps that increased in intensity.

I finally got into a room and continued to labor all day! I tried laboring in the tub with some aromatherapy which helped for a while. I tried laboring on the ball, which I hated!! It worked out best to just walk around and lean over the bed and sway back and forth when a contraction came. When they came in to check my progress the first time, I was at a 3 and 90% effaced. At that point I was given some pain meds,  which hardly did a thing. After 3 hours of laboring I was to a 6 and 100% with pretty strong contractions. It was at this point that I asked for the epidural. Things were progressing and fast! The epidural seemed like a breeze, maybe because I had a huge contraction while he was placing it and it distracted me. Once the epidural was in place I was feeling great! I was numb in all the right places. (And still had feeling in my calves and feet) yay! At about 6:30pm they checked me again and I was at a 10 and 100%. They said they wanted me to labor down for an hour before pushing.  So I did. At 7:30 I started pushing.  I pushed for 2 long hours! And she finally arrived at 9:49pm! They brought her right up to my chest and cut her cord. I got to hold and bond with her for over an hour until they finally asked if they could weigh and measure her. I had a 2nd degree tear and had to be sewn up for the next 20 minutes it seemed like. The same nurse was there laboring with me from the time I was 3cm up until after the birth.  She was amazing (Bernie). She coached me through the whole thing and was so calm and assuring. She also help guide Kevin on what to do. Which Kevin was so grateful for! (We are both first timers at this and a little lost) All in all the delivery went smoothly and was a calm and peaceful experience.  It was just me and Kevin, the doctor (Dr. Scanlon, dr. Jolly was off duty) and the nurse in the room.

I was so happy to be able to have a successful vbac! Despite the tearing everything went perfect! After my water broke, my body progressed and did what it needed to do without any help! I labored for a total of 15 hrs. So it wasn't bad for a first labor.  I'd do it again in a heartbeat!  :)


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