Pregnancy Update!

Yeah, so it was been a while! I'm not great at keeping up with the blog these days! But here's the pregnancy update!

How far along? I am just about 37 weeks!

Total weight gain/loss? So far I've gained 25.6 lbs.

Maternity clothes? I have been wearing maternity shirts for months now! Other than that though I just wear yoga pants and maxi skirts. Or pants/shorts/capris that are a size bigger than I normally wear. I hate maternity bottoms and refuse to wear them!

Stretch marks? I never got any stretch marks with Jaelyn and so far this time around I am stretch mark free! We will see though...

Sleep? Sleep is hit or miss these days! It was been very hot and humid in WA the last few weeks which doesn't help the situation! I can only get a decent nights sleep if I take Unisom, can get comfortable and don't have to wake up and pee a million times! So... ya... sleep is over rated!

Best moment this week? Getting away for the weekend to go camping at Little Naches! This is likely be our first and last camping trip of the season! It was so nice to just relax and be lazy and just get away from day to day life for 3 days!

Baby Stats? At my 35 week ultrasound appt they predicted that Evelyn was 5 lbs 12 oz. She has been growing and measuring right on target for the last couple weeks. My normal OB predicts an 8 lb baby at 40 weeks, the dr I saw last week predicted a 7 lb baby so we shall see. Jaelyn was born at 37w 4d and weighted 6lb 9oz. I expect Evelyn will be cooking in there and little longer and will be in the mid 7 lb range.

Have you told family and friends? Um yes, crossed that off the list about 29 weeks ago! lol Plus, I couldn't hide it now if I wanted to!

Movement? Evelyn moves all the time! She has been in the same position for weeks. Head down, facing my back. Body on my left side, butt up in my left rib and feet kicking over towards the right!

Food cravings? I don't know that I have had any this time around! Everything gives me reflux, so food is a huge turn off!

Anything making you queasy or sick? No. Other than the constant reflux and heartburn, I've been pretty good!

Have you started to show yet? Oh yes! I don't really start showing until halfway through my pregnancies, but the last half I do a ton of growing! No mistaking my watermelon belly these days!

Leakage? Nope

Gender prediction? It's been verified 3 times that it's another girl! :)

Labor signs? I don't think so. I've had some cramping (which could be braxton hicks?), but other than that, no signs of her coming anytime soon! :(

Belly button in or out? It can't decide what to do. It's partially in and partially out!

Wedding rings on or off? Still on!

Happy or moody most of the time? I'd like to say happy most of the time, but can very easily and suddenly be moody!

Weekly wisdom? The last month of pregnancy is very uncomfortable! The extra weight of my belly has been killer on my back! (Heating pads are a great help!)

Milestones? I've hit full term! Evelyn can safely come at any time! I am hoping sooner rather than later! :)

That is all!



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