Year End Review
Well it has for sure been a trying and difficult year in the Lidtka house, but we've also been extremely blessed and led by the Lord.
Earlier this year we lost our house and had to short sale it. We were super sad, but felt that was the right decision to make. We had our house sell in record speed and for more than the asking price. Which left us free and clear to move out.
We were blessed to rent my parents rental house and made the move on June 1st. We were further blessed to be able to rent the downstairs to my sister which helps us with the rent cost! And it's been great having her around. Jaelyn loves her favorite aunt! :) my parents are more than happy to have us live here forever, but we will see. Our goal is to be able to pay off or debt before we get into another house. So we will be here a few years. It is also so nice to be within a mile of my family and 5 miles from Kevin's family!
Because of our move I had to quit my job watching our buddy McKay. We were really sad and stressed about making ends meet without the extra income.
But a few months later we were blessed to have Kevin get a job offer with the city of Seattle! He has now been there almost 3 months and absolutely loves it! He was glad to go back after having 9 days off for the holidays! And that's saying something! We have great insurance through his work and it costs is only $100/month for the whole family! We were previously paying for insurance out of pocket, so that's been amazing! We also now have life insurance through his work and a good retirement and pension! It's been a huge blessing and one for which we are grateful for every day!
Or hardest challenge and trial this year was losing our 2nd child to a miscarriage. We decided to start trying for baby #2 on our anniversary in January and finally got pregnant in June. In early July I started to bleed while on vacation in Oregon. The bleeding got worse and I came home and rushed to the er. After being there for 5+ hours I was told that I lost the baby and that it didn't grow part 5weeks 2days. At what would have been 8 weeks, I passed the baby. We were completely heartbroken. I am grateful for the Spirit for telling me early on that something with this pregnancy wasn't right. Although I chose to ignore the warning, I'm grateful that Heavenly Father was mindful of me.
After more months of trying, I found out in November that I was pregnant for the third time. I was so scared that I would lose this baby too. I am grateful I was able to have an early ultrasound at 7 weeks. And that I was able to both see and hear a strong heartbeat! It was so reassuring! I am currently almost 10 weeks along. I have had terrible pregnancy reflux/heartburn for the last 4 weeks and have had random bouts of nausea too! As much as I dislike both of those icky pregnancy issues, I've been secretly so grateful for them because it's a daily reassurance that baby is healthy & growing.
I am so excited to start a new year! I have lots of personal goals for myself this year. And so much to look forward too! To make a few, we celebrate our 5 year anniversary Jan. 31st, we find out baby's gender in Early March, My brother and sister graduate high school in June, baby is due July 31st and I'm able to v-bac this time! My sister-in-law gets home from her mission in Poland in August! My baby girl turns 3 in Sept! Kevin will have been at his job 1 year in Oct! And we'll get our first holiday season with 2 kids - oct-dec! So much to look forward to this coming year!
Oh and one of my goals is to be better at blogging... At least once a month! Lol With updated pictures! We will see how this goes :)
Earlier this year we lost our house and had to short sale it. We were super sad, but felt that was the right decision to make. We had our house sell in record speed and for more than the asking price. Which left us free and clear to move out.
We were blessed to rent my parents rental house and made the move on June 1st. We were further blessed to be able to rent the downstairs to my sister which helps us with the rent cost! And it's been great having her around. Jaelyn loves her favorite aunt! :) my parents are more than happy to have us live here forever, but we will see. Our goal is to be able to pay off or debt before we get into another house. So we will be here a few years. It is also so nice to be within a mile of my family and 5 miles from Kevin's family!
Because of our move I had to quit my job watching our buddy McKay. We were really sad and stressed about making ends meet without the extra income.
But a few months later we were blessed to have Kevin get a job offer with the city of Seattle! He has now been there almost 3 months and absolutely loves it! He was glad to go back after having 9 days off for the holidays! And that's saying something! We have great insurance through his work and it costs is only $100/month for the whole family! We were previously paying for insurance out of pocket, so that's been amazing! We also now have life insurance through his work and a good retirement and pension! It's been a huge blessing and one for which we are grateful for every day!
Or hardest challenge and trial this year was losing our 2nd child to a miscarriage. We decided to start trying for baby #2 on our anniversary in January and finally got pregnant in June. In early July I started to bleed while on vacation in Oregon. The bleeding got worse and I came home and rushed to the er. After being there for 5+ hours I was told that I lost the baby and that it didn't grow part 5weeks 2days. At what would have been 8 weeks, I passed the baby. We were completely heartbroken. I am grateful for the Spirit for telling me early on that something with this pregnancy wasn't right. Although I chose to ignore the warning, I'm grateful that Heavenly Father was mindful of me.
After more months of trying, I found out in November that I was pregnant for the third time. I was so scared that I would lose this baby too. I am grateful I was able to have an early ultrasound at 7 weeks. And that I was able to both see and hear a strong heartbeat! It was so reassuring! I am currently almost 10 weeks along. I have had terrible pregnancy reflux/heartburn for the last 4 weeks and have had random bouts of nausea too! As much as I dislike both of those icky pregnancy issues, I've been secretly so grateful for them because it's a daily reassurance that baby is healthy & growing.
I am so excited to start a new year! I have lots of personal goals for myself this year. And so much to look forward too! To make a few, we celebrate our 5 year anniversary Jan. 31st, we find out baby's gender in Early March, My brother and sister graduate high school in June, baby is due July 31st and I'm able to v-bac this time! My sister-in-law gets home from her mission in Poland in August! My baby girl turns 3 in Sept! Kevin will have been at his job 1 year in Oct! And we'll get our first holiday season with 2 kids - oct-dec! So much to look forward to this coming year!
Oh and one of my goals is to be better at blogging... At least once a month! Lol With updated pictures! We will see how this goes :)
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