Catch Up... Again!

I know, I know, it's seriously been a while since my last blog... not that a lot of people follow me or anything... it's more a journal for me... Well Jaelyn turned 1 yesterday! I still can't believe it! She went from this...

To this...

in the blink of an eye!

She is one beautiful girl! We love her so much! In the last 6 months she's hit so many milestones!

She got her ears pierced at 7 months. Starting crawling at 7 months also.

By 7 1/2 months she was pulling herself up to a stand.

At 8 months so got her first tooth.

At 9 months she started waving. And walking while holding onto the couch. And FINALLY sleeping through the night! And started swim lessons!

At 9 1/2 months she was standing independently for 30+ seconds.

At 10 1/2 months she could bring herself to a standing position without support from anything or anyone.

She took her first step at 11 months.

Her first words at 11 months, "Mama" and "Dada."

And at one year she is taking 15-20 steps! Almost officially a walker!

This summer we were able to get some fun things in between working and just being busy! We went to the park at least 3 times a week to play on the swings!

We got to spend time with Jaelyn's cousins Tristan and Emma at Lake Tapps.

We went on a hike down to the Carbon River near our house.

We even took Kai, our "first child" who doesn't get nearly as much attention as he used to!

We had some play dates with our cousins Emma and Tristan, while Kevin helped my brother Jon with fixing his jeep.

We played in the pool at Grandma Lidtka's with cousin Tatum.

We went to the Woodland Park Zoo with Grandma Lidtka, Auntie Keri and Tatum.

I canned peaches for the first time!

Jaelyn's hair got long enough to fit in a ponytail! And pigtails!

We played hard at Grandma Olsen's house and refused to nap! Conked out while eating a snack!

And used Grandma's laptop as a place to stand! And ate a box of cards while she was at it!

Found out she has a nose AND can shove her fingers in it!

And got her first pedicure from her Auntie Keri!

I'd say all in all we've had a pretty good summer! It's always fun with this beautiful little girl! She lights up our lives and brightens up our days! 

Well, until the next time I feel guilty for not having blogged... :)


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