Believe it or not...

But work actually makes me excited to have kids! I work full time in a Therapeutic Child Care Center for kids who have been abused and/or neglected. (That's the short story) When I tell most people this they either think: 

A: It's just a daycare
B: How sad!! How can you even work there?

Well, it isn't just a daycare! It's sort of like an intervention program for these kids, while they struggle with the plate life has served them with. All and all, I mostly love my job. I get the pleasure of working with my all time favorite age group! The 1-2 year olds!

The development that happens within that one year of a child's life is incredible. They learn to walk, talk, dance, run, climb, problem solve, think critically, and sometimes even show early signs of potty training... I have so many fun stories I could share with you about the joys of working with these kids... 

But yesterday was a story to top them all! It made my day and made me so excited to have kids of my own soon!

So one of our little girls is starting to recognize what it feels like to be "wet" or
"poopy." She is really good at letting us know that she needs a diaper change... which is awesome! Well yesterday while I was sitting on the floor playing with the kids, I felt these little hands pull out the back of my pants and a little face peeking around the corner to look into mine and the little girl says with a concerned look on her face, "You, Poopy?"


I just died! I completely died! It was just too much! Kids are hilarious! Of course I told her, "NO!" haha But it just made me think... how many times have we as teachers wandered around the room "checking diapers" like she was doing to see which one was the culprit! lol

Anyways it made my day and brought a smile to my face! I just had to share! Some people could look at this situation and get mad, but honestly it is the times like these that make me love my job even more! And make me so excited to have my own kids to see what brainy, cute things they come up with! 



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